Blog by Wibo
Ignite the spark with suggestions for engaging, entertaining, teaching.
4 minuti
Gender Gap in Italy: What is it and How Are We Doing?
The term "Gender Gap" refers to the difference in average gross hourly wages between women and men, which, based on data, almost always puts women at a disadvantage.
Featured articles

The Display of RAL Benefits Recruiters Too!
A European law of 2023 makes it compulsory to display the RAL. A big step for those who apply,
but also, we will discover, for those in charge of selecting candidates.

Change Management in 2024
Change Management is the art of guiding organizations through changes, both big and small, effectively managing transitions, and maximizing positive impact.

The 7 Skills an HR Manager Must Have!
And no, we’re not talking about the usual phrase, “you need to like people.” To become an HR manager, you need more than that!

The 26 Most In-Demand Skills
The World Economic Forum’s report is clear: there are 26 skills that are more in-demand than others today.
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The Display of RAL Benefits Recruiters Too!
A European law of 2023 makes it compulsory to display the RAL. A big step for those who apply,
but also, we will discover, for those in charge of selecting candidates.

How to Choose a Leadership Course?
The 4 factors that make a Leadership Course effective, according to studies.

Change Management in 2024
Change Management is the art of guiding organizations through changes, both big and small, effectively managing transitions, and maximizing positive impact.