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Learn live from top executives at

Airbnb Google Nike Scuola Holden Starbucks TikTok Eataly Disney Flixbus Spotify easyJet

Wibo is the solution for developing the management and communication skills of your talents and managers by learning live from top executives and engaging with a community of peers.

Companies that choose Wibo to improve the skills of their teams and managers.

Formazione Aziendale
Alessandro Bugo HR Director in Critical Services

Alessandro Bugo

HR Manager at Critical Service

Learning from top executives has been a success for our corporate training

Merchandising Frontiere
Alessandro Bugo HR Director in Critical Services

Silvia Adamo

People Manager at Frontiere

“The speakers’ leadership skills in a remote context made the difference

Logo Softlab in azienda
Alessandro Bugo HR Director in Critical Services

Valentina Mura

HR Manager at Mamacrowd

The continuous learning of the Leadership Academy has been a success

Here’s the formula for successful corporate training

Leadership is a complex phenomenon.

At Wibo we believe that no one can teach it better than those who live it day by day by sharing tips and personal experiences in synchronous lessons, learning new models with micro-learning and putting them into practice in peer-to-peer sessions.

Struttura Formazione aziendale

Live lessons with
executive teachers

In each live lesson, leading entrepreneurs and executives turn into teachers, sharing not only practical models and techniques, but also their own career experiences and valuable advice.
Participants are immersed in a dynamic environment in which they can immediately put into practice what they learn through interactive exercises.

Manager e imprenditori di successo
Smartphone con app di Wibo

Micro-learning e gamification

For all those who undertake corporate training with us, every
day is a learning opportunity: our micro-learning pills are accessible at any time of the day to fit in with the pace of work.

Peer-to-peer sessions

At the end of each live lesson, each participant takes part, together with the other peers, in small round-table sessions lasting 60 minutes. These sessions are led by an experienced coaching guide and are designed to exchange opinions, best practices and cultivate new leadership perspectives together.

Formazione aziendale peer to peer con manager e executive coach

Live lessons led by leading entrepreneurs and top executives

In the live classes, you won’t find ordinary teachers, but top executives and entrepreneurs from companies such as TikTok, Genertel, Eataly, Amazon, Google and Spotify.

The numbers of our impact.

Trained managers




Net promoter score


Wibo’s method:

We create a customised and scalable Leadership Academy for each manager

Struttura Formazione aziendale Leadership Academy
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