Complaint Office 😮💨
When a Team Discusses What Isn’t Working, Problems Become Shared Challenges
Scritto da
Alessandro Spoto
Anna Cittadoni
La newsletter di Wibo per i manager che non smettono mai di migliorarsi.
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When a team discusses what isn’t working, issues emerge that, once shared, can become challenges to tackle together. It’s often from these issues that most significant changes arise.
Why Do It?
Most strategies fail because they are addressed only once a year, as if problems appear on a fixed schedule. But problems don’t follow a calendar. They arise when you least expect them, constantly evolve, and can’t be ignored.
This is why it’s essential to create a space for ongoing discussions—where difficulties can be brought to light, their impact understood, and solutions developed collaboratively. It’s not just about identifying problems but taking effective action to solve them.
- Begin with a brainstorming session by asking your team: “What problems or difficulties do you see in the current situation?” Encourage everyone to write down their responses on post-it notes—one issue per note—and place them in the workspace.
- Next, read each problem aloud and ask the team: “How many of you agree that this is a significant issue?”Based on the level of agreement, position each problem on the X-axis: to the left for low consensus and to the right for broad agreement.
- After positioning problems on the X-axis, discuss their importance with the team and place them along the Y-axis. Problems with minor impact should go lower, while those with major impact should go higher.
- Finally, focus attention on the problems in the upper-right quadrant—those with broad consensus and significant impact. These represent the priorities to address. For each selected issue, organize a new brainstorming session to identify practical solutions.