“The managers have improved their attitude towards their role…”

HR risorse umane tech con Wibo

Danilo Di Arcangelo

People & Culture Manager at Engel & Völkers

The numbers of our impact.

Trained Managers


Corporate clients


Net promoter score


About Engel & Völkers

Engel & Völkers is a multinational company specializing in the sale of luxury residential and commercial properties. Over the past fifteen years, it has distinguished itself from other real estate agencies by evolving from a small agency franchising model to a structure organized into large teams of professionals, some of which consist of hundreds of people. The company not only focuses on real estate brokerage but also commits to providing excellent customer service, an added value that few other firms can offer.

The Challenge

After Rome, Engel & Völkers expanded to Florence and Bologna as well. In addition to the total of 500 real estate agents, a class of 70 managers has been added, who take care of the organizational aspect of the growing business. Some of them needed to refresh certain leadership concepts that they had studied years earlier.

The Solution

Engel & Völkers chose to collaborate with the Wibo Leadership Academy for two main reasons:

  1. Intensity and Continuity of the Program: The program starts with six intensive weeks followed by eleven months of continuous training. The goal was to avoid a short-term course, which is easily forgotten over time, in favor of more lasting learning.
  2. Eclectic Approach: Since the target group is a class of junior managers, it was essential to have a program that covered all the main aspects of leadership before focusing
    on just one.

The Impact

The most evident impact can be seen in the change of mindset, particularly among the less experienced managers. Already within the first six weeks, an improvement in attitude towards their role was noticed, resulting in more effective management both in listening and communicating with others. Many managers immediately applied the concepts learned during the Leadership Academy.


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