We are creating the largest community of managers in the world to learn, network and create business opportunities.

Our values define us for who we are.


At Wibo, ambition is the drive to continuously exceed our limits, setting ever more ambitious goals.


Curiosity at Wibo drives us to explore new horizons and to approach problems and challenges with innovative and critical thinking. It is the engine that fuels our constant search for new ideas and solutions.


Humility at Wibo manifests itself in recognising that success is a path of continuous and common growth. We will always remain open to learning and improvement.


Discipline at Wibo is about consistency and commitment. Step by step, we strive for quality and excellence in our projects.


Resilience is our main pillar in the face of challenges. At Wibo, we face adversity with determination and flexibility, turning obstacles into opportunities to grow and strengthen ourselves.


Passion at Wibo is the force behind everything we do. This enthusiasm guides us in our pursuit of excellence, in our desire to make a difference and in our daily commitment.

Ufficio Team di Wibo

Wibo’s team

You can imagine us as a decentralised corporate university, but behind our training courses is a team that innovates corporate training every day.

Tommaso Seita

Co-Founder & CEO

Alessandro Busso

Co-Founder & COO

Federico Duò

Head of Design

Alessandro Spoto

Content creator

Anna Cittadoni

Learning Experience Manager

Flora Poddighe

Learning Experience Manager

Nicholas Baccarini

Head of Learning Experience

Michela Di Carlo

Learning Experience Manager

Giulia Zunin

Operations Manager

Open positions

If you crave impact, then you will like Wibo.

Sales Representative

Torino, Italia

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