Giampaolo Grossi

Former CEO at Starbucks


Giampaolo Grossi has gained significant international experience in the hospitality industry. Born in Florence, he then worked in New York, Florida, and Kuwait.

He served as the General Manager of Marchesi 1824, a Milanese establishment under the Prada group, and subsequently joined Starbucks in 2017.

With a distinctive vision and passion, Giampaolo contributed to Starbucks’ arrival in Italy, defying all expectations. His attention to detail, combined with a deep respect for human relationships, represents a mantra for a better future in the industry.

Today, he is the CEO of Giacomo Milano, where he continues to promote values of human and ethical perfection, with a strong sensitivity to detail and care for human relationships.

What does he teach at Wibo?

“Self Leadership”

Fields of expertise

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